FBCS, Inc., a leading nationally licensed collection agency has joined a distinguished group of companies to receive the industry’s most widely recognized security certifications. During the most recent technology and security audits, FBCS earned their PCI-DSS certification as well as their SSAE16 and ISO 27001 & 27002. These prestigious certifications are the globally recognized benchmarks for information security management, demonstrating FBCS’s systems are following the rigorous security practices required of enterprises. FBCS is proud to have continually earned each of these distinguished certifications for the past 5 years.

“I am proud of our accomplishments in the realm of data security. We take our clients’ trust and our responsibility to consumers very seriously, and we continue to make significant investments in training, hardware and other technology to keep that data safe”, said President Joe Neary. “We continue to upgrade equipment and refine processes to keep us at the highest levels of data security.”

FBCS’s Director of Information Technology, Mary Albert said, “To independently certify our adherence to these data security standards is a great accomplishment and affirms our commitment to maintaining a safe data environment for our clients and their customers.”

Chief Financial Officer, Henry Stoughton added, “We appreciate all of our employees and vendor/partners that participate in the certification process. Demonstrating compliance with each standard takes a team commitment and we are confident we will continue to stay on the cutting edge of technology and compliance into the future.”


FBCS is a leading nationally licensed collection agency assisting clients with managing accounts receivable including recovery services. Headquartered in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, FBCS operates a second call center location in Cape May, New Jersey. Founded in 1982, FBCS understands the sensitivity of account collections and is committed to compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other applicable laws.

For more information, please visit www.fbcs-inc.com or contact: [email protected].