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Icon of credit card and phone. Payment concept

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Review Account

Icon of credit card and phone. Payment concept

Make a Payment

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Request Receipt

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Email Me

Request Letter Icon

Request Letter

Wrong Number Icon

Wrong Number

Stop Calling Icon

Stop Calling

House and Gavel Dispute Icon


Cyber Incident

Frequently Asked Questions

What does FBCS stand for?2021-10-13T20:13:03+00:00

FBCS stands for Financial Business and Consumer Solutions. Founded in 1982 as Federal Bond Collection Services, FBCS changed its name in 2014 to better demonstrate how our business’ focus has evolved.

Is FBCS a real company?2021-10-13T20:13:33+00:00

Yes, FBCS is a real company. We are a nationally licensed and bonded collection agency that is located in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA with additional satellite offices in Cape May, NJ and Tampa, FL.

Where is FBCS located?2021-10-13T20:14:25+00:00

FBCS is located in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA with additional satellite offices in Cape May, NJ and Tampa, FL.

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